Blog Preview

Take a look at exerts from a few of the blog posts that have recently been updated by our contributors.

You are an inspiration

You! Believe it or not you are inspiration to someone and you may not even know it.Or maybe you do know that pothers are watching and trying to emulate the things that you are doing, or being a person that they view you to be. Maybe they are fascinated by the things you are doing […]

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Leadville Again?

Leadville oh Leadville how I fear thee. I have to say, I thought that I was past the fear part of my Leadville 100 Trail Run journey until I opened the congratulatory email that explained I was successful drawn in the 2022 lottery. I was in the middle of working around the house when Karen […]

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It all begins …

It all begins with an idea, a want, a dream, a bet. Inspiration for running can come from anywhere – usually when we are well rested, nestled comfortably in a warm place. Whatever it may be and wherever it may come from this is the seed that started you on a journey -some more epic […]

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